
Showing posts from August, 2017

White Privilege, Charlottesville and Our Responsibility

Author's note: Usually my posts deal with the Torah portion or "spiritual matters."  Today I am writing my own thoughts in the aftermath of this weekend's tragedy in Charlottesville.   To me, these matters are indeed spiritual, because they deal with the human spirit and what God desires of us all, as created in the Divine image. Though written from my perspective as a rabbi with a Jewish audience in mind, I know that not all those who will read this are indeed Jewish.  However, much of what I wrote applies to white people, and Americans, in general. I believe the issues I raise are essential if we are going to make any progress in the fight against racism and hatred. I welcome comments, whether you agree or disagree.  All I ask is that they remain civil and respectful.  If they are not, I will not post them. L'shalom u'verakha-with Peace and Blessings, Rabbi Steven Nathan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Th