Parshat Va'era: Speech, Hearing and Redemption
This week's parashah/ portion is Va'era (Exodus/ Shemot 6:2 – 9:35). The Israelites are still enslaved in Egypt and the conversation between God and Moses in Egypt continues. God continues to instruct Moses on how to bring about the people's redemption. However, Moses is reticent. He claims that Pharaoh and the people will not listen to him because he is of "uncircumcised lips." The implication being, once again, that he is unable to speak clearly or that his speech is not complete or whole. In short, he believes that he is not up to the task. His reaction is something to which many of us can relate. How often in our own lives believed we were unprepared for the task that lies before us. Yet, one might imagine that, even if Moses felt unworthy or unprepared, he would have trusted God's judgment and God’s ability make the correct choice. However, it appears that this is not the case. Moses tries to convince God that God...