Poetic Commentary on Parshat Be'Midbar
The name of this week's parashah, and the fourth book of the torah, is Be'midbar meaning "in the wilderness." It can be found in the book of Be’midbar /Numbers 1:1 - 4:20).
A rabbinic commentary points out that if we change one vowel in the name of the parasha, the word במדבר be’midbar, in the wilderness, becomes be'midabeיr, or with one who is speaking.
I found this ironic, since the wilderness is usually associated with silence and solitude. However, we can imagine that the wilderness of Sinai and its surroundings must have been anything but silent, with the multitudes of Israelites and others wandering through it for 40 years.
However, we all know that even in the midst of a cacophony one can experience silence, just as one can experience deafening noise while walking in solitude. What determines the silence or the solitude is not one’s physical surroundings, but one’s inner state.
This poem uses the two different readings of the letters מדבר mentioned above to explore these various images.
The Wilderness of Silence and Speech
is silent
filled only
sounds of nature
wind rustling
brush blowing
sand animal footfalls
howls in the night
whispering the truth
a whole civilization lives
within this wild place
humans go there
to be at peace
so we think
this is
ideal not real
our wilderness
is filled with people
is wild with sound
with speech
with dissent
with screams
with tears
with laughter
with joyous shouts
with words of love
with speech
never silent
40 years
give or take
give and take
we take what we are given
give back what has been taken
a life in the wilderness
alive with the sounds
the speech
the words
creating and destroying
people life worlds
filling the silence
a wild place of words
cries of revolt
it swallows up rebels
critical words
turn a sister’s skin to white
a chorus of complaint
fills us to bursting
words of mistrust
set us wandering
words soothe praise comfort
the death of sons
of a sister and brother
of so many
words decree the death of a dream
the death of a leader
the birth of a new people
I wish words would cease
filling the wilderness
filling my mind
emptying me of the ability
to be still
at one
with you
I want
a wilderness
without speech
without words
it does not matter
I do not want
I do not need
any words
I need a sanctuary
not a wild place
but a place
where I can hear
only you
only me
in the stillness the silent sounds
the whispers of the spirit
hovering around us all
this is
what I long for
what we all need
most do not know
for they cannot hear
the whisper of your voice
they can only hear
their own words
constant cacophony
striving for everything
sound and fury achieving nothing
only in subtle stillness can we find
only in nothingness
can we find the truth
one and the same
this moment
I wish
we would all
stop talking
exile words from our lips
allow us to return
to the silent land
the true wilderness
of the soul
where it all began
where it all continues
where we are
in the moment
with you