A prayer for peace

Let us all take a moment to pray for peace throughout the world.  Let us pray for peace in the streets of Jerusalem and throughout the land of Israel.  Peace between Israel and all her neighbors, as well as peace among all the residents of Israel itself.
    Let us pray for peace in the streets of Paris and throughout France, as well as so many other places in Europe, where Antisemitic rhetoric and violence is growing each day. Let us pray for peace between Jews, Muslims, Christians and people of all religions - or no religion.  Let us pray for the day when we will all recognize that we all come from the same place and we are all part of the one human family.
     Let us pray for peace in the streets and homes of Ferguson, MO.  Peace for the family and friends of Michael Brown and all those who have been showing their support.  Peace between people of all races and beliefs in the streets of Missouri, throughout the United States and throughout the world. Peace that will not be shattered by bullets, screams, tear gas, looting or any kind of physical or verbal violence of any kind.

    Let us pray for the day when, as the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King said before he was killed by a human being, a child of God's (as are we all) who chose to walk down the path of senseless violence and hatred, the day will soon arise when we will all join together "in the words of the old Negro spiritual... 'Free at last!  Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!' "

And let us all say, Amen.

L'shalom u'verakha - with Peace and blessing,

Rabbi Steve Nathan


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