Vayikra: A Poetic Commentary

Vayikra means “and he (God) called.”  It is easy for us to hear the call of the Divine when reading about the journeys of the patriarchs and matriarchs or the ordeals of the slaves and their exodus from Egypt.  But to hear God’s call in the description of sacrifices is not an easy task! And yet Vayikra is about more than just sacrifices and laws. At the core of Vayikra is the sacrificial system that is meant to connect the people with the Divine.

In the first third of this parashah, which is what is read in many congregations this Shabbat, we read first of the Olah, the burnt offering, or literally “that which rises up.”  These were sacrifices in which the entire animal, after being ritually slaughtered was burned on the altar. This differed from other sacrifices where part of the animal was saved as a sacred meal for the priests and the worshipers.  

Most communal sacrifices were olot – burnt offerings.  The community would give the priests beasts and birds that belonged to them and watch them as they were sacrificed to God on the altar, watching the smoke rise up to God with a reyakh nee’khoah – pleasant odor.

The mincha, or grain offering then followed the olot.  Here, grain was mixed with oil and spices and presented either in a cooked or uncooked form to the priest.  It was then burnt on the altar. However, the text makes clear that no leaven and no honey may be used in the mincha offering.  We do not know if this is in any way connected with the later rabbinic association of leaven with pride, hubris, and ego, but this is certainly a connection that I possible interpretation.

Hearing the Divine Call

Aliyah 1
I hear God’s call
bring my sacrifice
bring my self
perfect    unblemished

butI am notperfect
I am filled with blemishes
imperfections      faults sin

still I must find within 
perfection   Godliness holiness

from that  place
I must sacrifice  offer
give  to God

aliyah 2
my offering  goes up in flames
before my eyes

I am consumed
my soul  is aflame
rising in the smoke
it begins the ascent to its source

the scent of teshuvah  repentence 
is in the air
ut is pleasing to God
whose smile radiates
into  my heart

aliyah 3
Suddenly I hear and see
there is more sacrifice
more violence  blood killing

the smells  the sounds
become a holy cacophony
I want to run
I wonder how could God desire this
      but how could God not

true sacrifice
is not easy    simple pretty
true sacrifice of the self
before God
is difficult   painful
yet necessary
that is the message of this ritual

I still want to run
away from the pain
away from the noise
to somewhere pleasant  
           somewhere safe
                 somewhere simple

if only it really existed
or perhaps I a grateful to God it does not

aliyah 4
regardless of how I feel
the sacrifice continues
I do not run or hide
my eyes  my heart my soul
from reality

the priest
conduit between us and God
takes and slaughters my offerings
my possessions are no more

were they ever
really mine


they were a lways God's
as they still are

yet each time I see one
rise in smoke to their source
I feel a piece of my self
die with it returning to my source as well

in my heart 
I hear God saying
welcome home

aliyah 5
but I want no more death
of animals   nor self
it is finished
I have given all I can to God
for now

then suddenly I smell
something sweet and pleasant
mingled with the acrid smell
of sacrifice

like fresh bread baking
the smell of home or hearth
safety and security

this is something i can enjoy
I hope it will never end

aliyah 6
that wondrous smell
tempting me
hunger desire arising within me
I am ready to eat
to devour
        the bread
    staff of life
source of my sustainance

but wait
the smell is changing
from sweet to acrid
pleasant to noxious
soothing to burning

the bread is burning
it turned to smoke on the altar

I wanted it
we all did

but of course
it was not ours either
it is not for us 
it is for God

I understand this
yet I am still in pain
my desires still unfulfilled

I continue to mourn the loss
of something  that was never mine

then i remember
this is what it’s all about

life is always about
gain and loss
pain and pleasure
criticism and praise
recognition and invisibility

all of these are illusions
never real
labels we create and try to claim
but they were never mine
like the bread
when they are present
they bring joy
               that is not real joy 
when they are gone
they bring pain
    that feels all too real

what is real
what is here always
is simply God

aliyah 7
and so I offer to God
my meal   my grain my sacrifice
my soul

I do not bring leavened bread
I do not bring ego self
selfishness  pride
for they are illusions not fitting for God

I do not bring
merely the sweetness
that hides the real pain
like honey masks the bitterness
we must all taste

I simply bring what is real
all that i am
no judgments   no facades no illusions
I simply all that I truly am
a part of everyone  of God of the universe

a particle of the smoke
rising from the altar of life
returning to the source of life

I hear the call in my heart
as I see the smoke rise to God
my soul rejoices
together we all sing praise 
to the  One to whom all praise is due


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